
Raila Arrives in Murang’a for Rallies Despite Police Ban


Thursday, April 20, 2023 –Raila Odinga together with his Azimio la Umoja brigade landed in Murang’a Town in their meet-the-people Town Hall meeting following an invite by local leaders.

Former Murang’a County Governor Mwangi wa Iria, who organised the meeting, received Raila, Martha Karua and Kalonzo Musyoka at around 11PM.

Azimio leaders in a discussion

Raila’s convoy snaked through the streets of Murang’a Town all the way to the Town hall venue without any hindrance from the police.

Earlier yesterday Wednesday April 19, the police had warned that the opposition meeting will not be allowed to take place in the area because of late notice.

Area police boss – County Police Commander David Mathiu – argued that Azimio leaders, through Mwangi wa Iria, were late to serve them with the meeting notice and that the police officers will be engaged elsewhere today Thursday.

But in a sharp and quick rejoinder Mr. Odinga maintained that their meeting will be held as planned and that it will be peaceful.

Wai Iria also asked supporters to turn up in large numbers and receive the opposition boss who will be visiting their area.

“It’s like people going to a church service and the police tell them that they need their permission. We are politicians and we don’t require anybody’s permission to meet.

“However, for the sake of courtesy, we informed them and they said they have rejected it. I want to tell the police that we were not asking for their permission. I have already discussed with ‘Baba’ and the meeting is on,” he responded to the police.

Ex-Murang’a Governor Mwangi wa Iria(left) with Azimio boss Raila Odinga[Photos/Courtesy]
This is happening even as bipartisan talks continue to take shape in Nairobi’s Panafric Hotel with both sides having presented their seven participating members.

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