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Do you Know Bill Gates Could be Looking for you?


American billionaires are givers. I have never seen any single billionaire who is selfish. And Americans, in this case, lead in giving.

Do you know why the U.S is blessed and powerful? They have and know the biggest secret to success – it’s through the giving spirit.

World leading billionaires all come from the United States of America. This is not by mistake. It is because the people there know how to support the poor. Even the Bible speaks about the power of giving. You get blessed through giving and sharing.

Sadly, these billionaires are conned by masqueraders who carry the Bible in the name of African pastors. These so called pastors seek donations from them in the guise of supporting the poor back home but, in the process, fleece them in millions.

Getting a single needy genuine case from the crowd is what could be the difficult task for these moguls. And for that reason, they have seen it appropriate and safer to support the world through their own foundation or governments. But Africa governments are another problem. When a government receives a donation from a foreigner, the local department, for example in Kenya, diverts everything to a personal property.

African politicians have no mercy. They are evil and steal even from the disabled. This is as long as they can make themselves rich, they don’t care whether the neighbour next door slept hungry or not.

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