Sunday, March 28, 2021 -Members of Parliament as well as Senators from the vote rich Mt. Kenya Region don’t want the Building Bridges Initiative BBI Bill amended in Parliament. Fresh reports which have reached Homenews desk now confirm that the move to want to amend some sections in the Bill would harm the people from Mt. Kenya who wanted to bank on the document to get more Constituencies hence resources. It is noted that this might end up denying the region 15 additional Constituencies what looks not so good for them and their people. MPs Ngunjiri Wambugu of Nyeri Town,…

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Saturday, March 27, 2021 -Most Deputy President William Ruto’s allies who had been kicked out of Jubilee Party have continued to lose bid to block their ejection. Among those affected by the Political Parties Tribunal’s latest decision are Millicent Omanga and Senator Isaac Mwaura – both nominated. Jubilee party leadership punished the politicians for breaking political parties rules and regulations by supporting Ruto’s rebellious ideologies contrary to their Party Constitution. The nominated Senators and MPs who switched their loyalty from Uhuru to Ruto’s United Democratic Alliance UDA Party are being haunted by their own wrongs. In today’s Saturday March 27…

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Saturday, March 27, 2021 -Deputy President William Ruto was not present at Statehouse today for the Covid-19 jab. In an exercise that was led by President Uhuru Kenyatta, members of the Jubilee administration all got injected by the vaccine; but conspicuously missing was the second in command. Murkomen, DP’s top ally, has however claimed that Ruto’s age of under 58 years could be the main reason he was missing in the today’s noble exercise. “I suspect the reason why the Deputy President was not invited is because he is under 58 years and must follow the queue,” wrote Murkomen. His…

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Saturday, March 27, 2021 -Deputy President William Ruto risks losing a large number of supporters especially MPs if he joins up with ODM’s Raila Odinga. He has been warned. News reaching Homenews desk indicted that Ruto-allied-politicians don’t want an alliance between DP and the former Premier whom they are accusing of destruction. According to Soy legislator Caleb Kositany, shall Raila come into their camp, the 2022 strategy will be heavily affected and definitely complicate the DP’s rising star. “Trust me, if we try to approach Raila today in the 2022 calculation we will lose our supporters in Mt. Kenya,” he…

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Saturday, March 27, 2021 -Kalonzo Musyoka, Musalia Mudavadi, Moses Wetang’ula and Gideon Moi cannot get more than 3 million votes across the country. Experts have weighed into their One Kenya Alliance formation led by Musalia Mudavadi and have an opinion that the four-men-team cannot hit past 3 million votes mark cumulatively. Top Lawyer-cum-political analyst, Kipchumba Karori has warned  the four leaders to first focus on building their individual clout before coming up with a formation in the  name of taming Ruto or Raila. “If you were to give the “scared” alliance all votes in their regions, they would not get…

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Friday, March 26, 2021 -Orange Democratic Movement ODM Party leader Raila Odinga allegedly phoned his Deputy Ali Hassan Joho to get details on their recent Statehouse meeting. Reports have been flying around that Uhuru is slowly working out a formula that will completely cripple Raila Odinga’s political life by 2022. This report was further fueled after Mr. Kenyatta, on Wednesday March 25, met top governors from the Coastal Region – Ali Hassan Joho of Mombasa, Amason Kingi of Kilifi County and Kwale’s Salim Mvurya. Though details about this meeting are yet to be clear, sources pointed at a possibility of…

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Friday, March 26, 2021 -Former Kiambu County Governor William Kabogo has hinted at a total lockdown from next week. Taking to his Social media platform on Friday March 26, Mr. Kabogo said the current surge in Covid-19 numbers was now worrying and curfews alone cannot help. He added that the situation in the country will only be managed through total lockdown which must take over a month, though painful but necessary. “A total lockdown is eminent, the 3rd wave of covid-19 is deadly. Like I always say keep steaming, burn the damn thing,” Kabogo stated. He used the opportunity…

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Thursday, March 25, 2021 -Musalia Mudavadi, Gideon Moi, Kalonzo Musyoka and Moses Wetang’ula have now come together under a new Umbrella dubbed The One Kenya Alliance. Today they unveiled their new home which they claim will, unlike never before, completely change the landscape of politics of this country going forward. Addressing the media at Serena Hotel in Nairobi on Thursday March 25, the four man team described their victories in all the recently concluded by-elections – Matungu, Kabuchai and Machakos – as the new unstoppable wave in town that will shake the political arena beyond 2022. “The just-concluded by-elections in…

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Thursday, March 25, 2021 -Narok Legislator Ledama Ole Kina has come out to defend that he is still an active ODM member contrary to public speculations. Speaking during the Senate plenary session of Wednesday March 24, Ledama cleared the air about his position as far as political parties are concerned. He appeared to dismiss the myth that he had decamped to the newly formed United Democratic alliance UDA Party which is linked to DP William Ruto. He faulted all those who want to bend statements to portray him as a man who was not loyal to his party leader Raila…

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Thursday, March 25, 2021 -Jubilee Party and their handshake partners Orange Democratic Movement ODM are engaged in a political rivalry ahead of the next by-elections. Jubilee Vice Chairman David Murathe has in that regard issued an official statement on why they are rivaling their handshake partners ODM in both Juja and Bonchari elections. Murathe in his interview argued that Juja belonged to Jubilee Party same to Bonchari despite the fact that the latter had earlier been won by Raila’s ODM candidate John Oroo who has since died. Speaking to the press at Jubilee Headquarters in Pangani on Wednesday March 15,…

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