Friday, February 26, 2021 -Deputy President William Ruto has said he is ready for any type of a Constitution be it the old or the BBI one. Speaking in Nandi today Friday February 26 during his political tour, Ruto who was accompanied by his obvious lieutenants including Senator Samson Cherargei of Nandi said he is not worried about which type of Constitution he will be serving Kenyans from. “Be it this Constitution or the one coming, I am not worried and I am ready for either. What I want to plead with my competitors is that they must be ready…

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Friday, February 26, 2021 -Jubilee government is planning to evict Deputy President William Ruto from his Karen residence. Details have emerged. Party’s Vice Chairman David Murathe dropped the bombshell while appearing on KTN Tv last Thursday February 25 where he hinted at a soon to be implemented eviction orders against the DP. This, according to Mr. Murathe, was an inevitable move because Ruto had breached their coalition agreement to come up with a parallel UDA Party which is now in a political competition with Jubilee. “With the exit clause, the eviction clause of the DP from the Hustler Mansion in…

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Friday, February 26, 2021 -Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua has blamed Deputy President William Ruto’s Party for playing dirty games in the ongoing Machakos mini-poll campaigns. In his Thursday February 25 expose, Dr. Mutua said the United Democratic ALLIANCE UDA Party which is associated with the DP recently came with their candidate at his hotel, chatted him for sometime only to learn later that they were taking photos for wrongs reasons. He claims they have been using the photos to hoodwink the public that his Maendeleo Chap Chap Party had struck a deal with UDA Party to step down for their(UDA)…

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Thursday, February 25, 2021 -Another County Assembly has shot down the Building Bridges Initiative BBI Draft Bill on grounds that it does not address devolution concerns. The Thursday February 25 development was happening even after more than 40 Counties had endorsed the Report paving way for a Referendum stage. Reports show that a total of 23 Members of the Nandi County Assembly rejected the 2020 Constitutional Amendment document as 13 supported it. Nandi Assembly now joins Baringo County which was the first to vote ‘NO’ to the Draft Bill in a session that was characterized by chaos, teargas and name-calling.…

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Thursday, February 25, 2021 -KANU Chairman Gideon Moi has thanked Kericho County Assembly for supporting the Building Bridges Initiative BBI Draft Bill. The Senator, through his Twitter handle, praised the Assembly for their hearty gesture what he thinks signals the end to politics of deceit that have for long been the order of the day in their Region. Gideon appeared a proud man after several Rift Valley counties joined the swelling number of regions which are endorsing the BBI project. “We are proud of Kericho County Assembly for remaining steadfast and passing the BBI bill. We are greatly indebted to…

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Thursday, February 25, 2021 -Just a fortnight after shooting down the Building Bridges Initiative Bill on the grounds that it was not a good idea for their people, a section of Baringo MCAs have now apologized. Leader of Minority Sam Lourien on Wednesday February 24 confessed that they were misled by a rival camp who asked them to reject the document for political reasons. According to his Wednesday account of what actually transpired, the Tirioko MCA divulged that they acted out of influence from some politicians within Rift Valley and due to lack of enough knowledge they did what they…

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Thursday, February 25, 2021 -Central Organization of Trade Union COTU boss Francis Atwoli has advised politicians never to be deceived by huge crowds attending their rallies. Atwoli who was appearing on JKL show hosted by popular news anchor Jeff Koinange on Wednesday February 25 said if crowds were always converted into votes them the first person who would have benefited from such an assumption would be Mr. Stanley Njindo Matiba who used to attract earth shuttering crowds all through his rallies. He also mentioned Jaramogi Oginag Odinga as the second popular political figure that men and women in this country…

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Wednesday, February 24, 2021 -Malindi Member of Parliament Aisha Jumwa has implicated Orange Democratic Movement ODM Party in another leadership scandal. In her latest speech while in her constituency, the vocal Tangatanga allied MP recounted how it was difficult for her to express her opinion freely when she was in ODM than it is now. She claimed that the day she decided to rebel against the gagging party orders, was the same day she was vilified and even dragged before their disciplinary committee. This forced her to cross to Deputy President’s camp where she now claims she found enough freedom…

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Wednesday, February 24, 2021 -Everyone is asking what next for Deputy President William Ruto after the Building Bridges Initiative BBI Draft Bill surpassed the 24 threshold Counties mark? On Tuesday February 23, more counties, many perceived to be from his own region of Rift Valley as well as Mt. Kenya, supported the Bill leaving the DP at a very unfortunate position. He has, hitherto, not been able to open his mouth. Political analysts in the country have claimed the Super Tuesday development was a huge blow on his side which he must take time to recover from. Renowned tele-Political analysts…

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Tuesday, February 23, 2021 -Amani National Congress ANC Party leader Musalia Mudavadi has reduced to ‘nothing’ the Raila Odinga’s Uhuru Park swearing in event. Speaking on Citizen tv’s News Night show hosted by Wahiga Mwaura, the Western Region kingpin said whatever Odinga did on January 30 2018 at Uhuru Park was unconstitutional and therefore just like Mr. Kalonzo Musyoka said, they could not attend such a function and neither can it be used against those who were a no-show. Mr. Mudavadi who was answering a rain of questions from his host, remained cagey on the purported ‘Nigerian number’ as he…

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