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Wednesday, May 18, 2022 –Ex-police Spokesman Charles Owino has pulled out of politics and returned to the police service. It has been confirmed.
Mr. Owino had been chosen by Siaya County gubernatorial candidate Nicholas Gumbo to be his running mate after ODM Party rejected him(Owino) in their party nominations, recently.
Reliable information from sources confirmed that the police officer will be going back to his office in Nairobi to continue with his job as public service officer.
He is expected to assume the position of the Director of the Kenya National Focal Point on Small Arms and Light Weapons immediately Inspector General of Police Hillary Mutyambai makes this official.
Before going into politics, Mr. Owino was deputy Director of the agency; but he is now going up the ladder in the same department.
After today’s development, Gumbo back in Siaya quickly appointed Mr. David Ohito as his running mate and who is the current UDM Party Secretary-General.
Ohito, the former Standard Group newspaper editor, disclosed that their party only had a 24-hour timeline to present a new name to the electoral commission IEBC or risk losing the opportunity completely because the commission is in its initial process of printing ballot papers and all the names of candidates with their running should be ready with them.
Gumbo will be facing-off with seasoned politician Senator James Aggrey Orengo of Orange Democratic Movement ODM Party who was recently handpicked by Odinga to carry the County flag.