Over twenty thousand persons with different life difficulties traveled from various parts of the world to come and meet Dr. Ngoso in Kenya.
The weekend exodus saw three hundred Ugandan nationals – mothers, fathers and children – travel from their home to a small village in Kenya to meet with the traditional healer by the name of Doctor Ngoso.
“We have been here for days to get healed by this medicine man. He has really changed our lives. For example, I have lacked a serious marriage for many years. Today, a man I really love has just texted me,” a woman revealed.
Other men to women had their stories solved ranging from business, jobs, relationship and promotions.
Other cases like Judith had a debt problem. She has supplies which she was yet to be paid despite being overdue. The institution she had supplied the items, had just called her to go and collect her dues of about Ksh 90,000.