
How First Meeting to Popularise Raila in Mt Kenya Flopped

Chris Akali

Sunday, August 1, 2021 -Yesterday there was an alleged strategy meeting organized in Mt. Kenya to deliberate on how to market former Prime Minister Raila Odinga around the region.

The meeting was ostensibly made to be a launching pad for Raila’s popularization in the vote rich Mt. Kenya Region where President Uhuru Kenyatta comes from.

Kieni MP Kanini Kega.

According to pundits, Odinga’s name can only be made popular should area leaders  decide to sell him positively after many years of disparagement and name calling.

In a recent social media post, Political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi remarked that selling Odinga in Mt Kenya cannot be hard as selling William Ruto. He claimed that Odinga’s only mistake for Kikuyus was running against them in the last general elections what can easily be corrected.

And on Saturday July 31, it was said that President Uhuru Kenyatta’s allies were supposed to gather in an exclusive hotel located in their region to strategize on the Odinga factor but the meeting couldn’t take off.

Reached for a comment, organizers led by Kieni MP Kanini Kega refuted such plans terming it as a media creation.

“There was no such meeting. That is just propaganda, rumours and fake news,” MP Kanini Kega stated.

Raila Odinga during his recent Nyeri County trip. With him is a section of Mt. Kenya leadership led by area Governor Mwangi wa Iria(center).

When reached for a comment, Raila’s side led by spokesman Dennis Onyango deflected the question back to Mt Kenya leaders saying they would be in better position to answer that.

“Ask the so-called Uhuru allies. I am not Uhuru ally,” Raila’s personal assistant, Dennis Onyango said.

In a new move to get some support from the Mountain, Mr. Odinga only targets 50 percent of the population to get to the presidency.

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