
I want to be Assassinated, Poisoned – Arati

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Sunday, February 4, 2024 -Kisii Governor Simba Arati has accused police for supporting bloodshed in his area.

Speaking in a church function today Sunday February 4, emotional Arati said, the police have been using live bullets to disperse his development meetings with locals.
He noted that residents have been shot dead with some left injured any time he organises peaceful meetings with supporters.
Arati also wondered how a senior police officer armed with Ak47 in the area has been escorting a mere Member of Parliament MP when only this should be happening with the President.
“MP has been allowed to be escorted by a senior commander in Kisii armed to the teeth like Recce squad escort meant for the president.
“How comes Interior Ministry and the DCI boss don’t speak about this. How many persons do they want dead?” he posed.
The Governor also hinted at another clash on Saturday when President William Ruto will be in town.
“Meetings are being held at Yaya Center to stop me from accessing the president’s meeting on Saturday. The CCTV footage has shown that. Authorities can take it from there,” he challenged the DCI.
Simba Arati, who has been at constant loggerheads with South Mugirango MP Silvanus Osoro, warned that, should any police officer use force again, locals, in self defense, will deal with him or her, on the spot.
The politician added that some elderly men have been tasked to poison him so that to cut short his political life.
Asking for prayers, the ODM Party governor urged those being used to finish him to allow him to, atleast, hit age of 45 years.
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