Fraud & Deals

Ringtone to Lose Palatial Runda Residence to Rightful Owners

Chris Akali

Monday, October 4, 2021 -Alex Apoko popular by his stage moniker Ringtone could be on the verge of losing the multi-million Runda home in Nairobi to rightful owners.

Documents have emerged in which the singer has been given a stern ultimatum of only 10 days by a city lawyer to vacate the homestead voluntarily or be ejected by force.

Ringtone at his palatial Runda homestead.

The posh residence sitting on parcel of land LR 7785/94, according to papers, was owned by Mona Ingegard Bjorklund who is a Swedish national and who died on July 5, 2007.

In the letter dated September 28, 2021 from AGN Kamau Advocates, singer Ringtone acquired the prime property through dubious means.

“The provisions of the Law of Succession Act mandatory requires the administrator of the said estate to collect all the assets thereto and thereafter deal with the same in accordance with the said provisions.

Ringtone lying in an ambulance.

“It is well within the knowledge of the said administrator and your good self that at all material times you wrongfully, unlawfully and without any color of right whatsoever trespassed upon the estate’s property designate L.R. 7785/94 IS NO. 33637 You continue with such trespass to date Our instructions are to give you notice which we do hereby do requiring you to cease with your acts of trespass forthwith and to hand over the said property to our client through us within 10 days from the date hereof,” partly read the demand notice.

According to reliable data from the Registrar of Lands, the property in question measures 0.537200 hectares and has been in the name of Bjorklund since May 28, 1979.

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