
Starting a Successful Profit-Making Business

Chris Akali

Friday, September 29, 2023 –A viable business idea must be that which can sell in the location one chooses to open the business and, more so, when there is a willing buyer.

Before starting a business, first construct a virtual idea in your mind of what exactly you want to do and who will be interested to become your customer.

The customer base you want to attract must be practical and, this, you can get the true picture of the location by spending time talking to people directly or indirectly. Market research can be done in many ways – one on one or through others.

And when you have the rightful picture of the location, take time to put up a nice an attractive office that you will be working from. Anyway, not all jobs require a working space. Some jobs can be done from home. But if your type requires an office where you will be meeting people and sealing deals, then make sure the office is attractive enough to customers who walk in and out.

Leverage social media

Secondly, have your stock or services ready for sell and start leveraging social media. Social media comes in handy to put the word out there. With social media, you will be able to reach a wider market within a very short time. Nothing in marketing beats the power of social media.

To capture the market easily, start by penetrating the area, activating and actualizing the merchandise. Make sure your first job sells itself. In marketing, your first three month must help stabilize your business. The first customers must be satisfied with what you do. When they are satisfied, they will help spread your word out there through referrals.

Fight to have a steady, regular conversion rate to be able to sustain the business. Any customer you meet must leave a quite satisfied man or woman.

Golden rule is always make happy your first bunch of clients and the rest will follow.

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