
Stop forming your Cabinet, Trump hits at Biden

Angry United States of America US President Donald trump has warned President elect Joe Biden against picking a cabinet before courts mitigate the election fraud.

Though his Twitter Handle, Trump observed that his legal team was successfully gathering evidence enough to overturn Biden win.

‘Why is Joe Biden so quickly forming a Cabinet when my investigators have found hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes, enough to “flip” at least four States, which in turn is more than enough to win the Election?” he wrote.


Daily Mail reported how Mr. Trump has been busy tweeting on Saturday, hitting out at the news media for its coverage of the election and his administration.

“The Media is just as corrupt as the Election itself!” he tweeted on Sunday November 22.


The outgoing president also hit out at Republicans who have called on him to concede the race to Biden, including House Rep. Liz Cheney and Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.

Trump still believes that Biden’s win was afar fetched and that if given time he will prove to the whole world that he had won the election affair and square.

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