It is highly immoral for some senior as well as junior politicians in this country to take advantage of poor college girls.
Many male politicians are using their money to lure unsuspecting young college girls into quick sex relationships in exchange for support.
Interestingly, these young innocent girls only get shortchanged in the whole relationship thing. The most amount they end up receiving after a nightlong escapade is Ksh 2000. Some politicians give only Ksh 500 fare back home.
As long as he bought her kuku fry and chips for supper add four cans of King fisher or Guarana, the next thing that follows is unprotected sex all night long.
When it reaches next morning, the Mhesh wakes up very early pretending that he has an early office duty. He tells the girl to continue relaxing on the one acre bed for two more hours waiting for an Mpesa message to land. The foolish girl then thinks it will be Ksh 20k or more only to be shortchanged and confronted with an Mpesa message of Ksh 500 and a snack breakfast that always comes with bed as a package.
Sadly, and regrettably, she had an explosive raw sex with the old Mhesh and the only luck she is carrying back home with her is HIV Aids and sorrow.
Why would a 65 year old mhesh want to sleep with his grand daughter? Is this not morally filthy? Is it not a highly disguising behaviour in our society?
What would he tell his children or grand children when the story finally leaks out?
And to our young girls, stop being lured by quick money and good life. It won’t take you very far. Don’t sleep with a man of your father’s age. Sometimes, use your brains to think and reason. Protect yourself from such lifestyle dangers.
Most of these politicians are chronic vampires on loose to destroy your future.