
Wanjigi Ready to Help Raila Pressure Ruto

Chris Akali
Sunday, January 14, 2024 -Jimi Wanjigi has hinted at joining the next round of protests organized by Azimio leaders.
In a statement he released today Sunday, January 14, the billionaire said Kenyans should prepare for the third liberation in March this year if their government will not have sorted economic challenges facing the country.
“The problem we have is economic problem. Everybody wants money in the wallet and not just stories,” Wanjigi said.
He accused Kenya Kwanza administration of holding the nation hostage of its poor leadership that will achieve nothing.

“We’re being held as slaves. Our lives will get worse every single day. They have notice from us.

“If nothing changes by the end of March, the actions that led to our country’s first and second liberations will be synonymous with this one,” he said also.
The former presidential candidate seized the opportunity to warn Kenya Kwanza and President Ruto on their worrying economic policies.
Wanjigi, days ago, met with opposition leader Raila Odinga in a city restaurant where they spent a better part of the day in a discussion that is yet to be shared with the public.
On his part, Mr Odinga yesterday threaten to release another statement on what next for his millions of supporters.
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