
Why Ngong Road Remains the Best Place to Buy Quality Furniture

Chris Akali

Monday, February 12, 2024 –If anybody wants to get a good quality furniture in Nairobi, the best place to run to is along Ngong Road at Pathway Hotel Stage.

Furniture business has been thriving for many years at that place and the main reason this was located there is because of the many high-end customers who ply or use that highway to and from town. Most of the richest and powerful men in Kenya reside in Karen. They use that road on a daily basis.

Image of a sofa set on sale

From the president himself to his deputy and even the opposition leader, all have been living in Karen and they use that road on a daily basis when going to office and from office to their homes in the evening.

For that reason, furniture makers in Kenya decided to position their businesses along Ngong Road so that to tap into that rich and ready market.

And not only that reason, Ngong Road has now grown to become the only quality furniture hub for in Kenya and East Africa at large. Many foreigners who come to the country, procure or order their furniture from Ngong Road traders.

At that area along Ngong Road, we have over 350 furniture traders and the number has continued to grow by day as joblessness continues to bite among the youths. Many graduates end up looking for what to do at the area because it has become a job creating destination for young men and women. Women can help in painting jobs and every workshop, of course, requires one.

Women have also noticed that food vending at the area is thriving and they can, effortlessly, hawk foodstuffs and fruits to jua kali artisans there. Hotel business is actually thriving.

Now back to the furniture, we have best furniture manufacturers like Urban Biz and Services – a firm which makes and sells quality woodwork. Their contacts are +254727376956/ +254775376956. It runs its workshop at the area and has been able to serve rich clients for many years.

“We have been around for about seven years. We have enough capacity and network. We get our clients from referrals. After working for one client, he goes out there to tell a friend who tells a friend and that is our strength,” Chris who is the owner told

Swing chair

“We have everything to make your home magical. Renovate your space with us and create a space that celebrates you,” the proprietor assures clients.

Urban Biz & Services insist on creating your perfect space with their furniture designs! A large selection of stylish, comfortable and functional classy furniture right from classic elegance to modern minimalism.

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